My first time riding New Zealand Mountain Bike Trails! It was also the first time since I broke my wrist back in November.
These xc trails are in Te Miro, which is near Cambridge NZ.
Me and some friends from my school went to Crankwrox Rotorua for the last weekend to watch slopsestyle! We also watched the Air DH race and got to demo some bikes for free, it was a great time!
The Skyline Bike Park in Rotorua New Zealand is a fairly small lift accessed mountain bike park, with only 13 trails you can ride it all in one day!
Mr Black is the most popular trail at the Skyline Bike Park in Rotorua New Zealand. It is like the A-line of this bike park, fun, flowy, full of jumps and fun features.
Wellington New Zealand has some great freeride and downhill mountain bike trails that I got to ride with some buddies.
I stayed in Wellington for a couple days and went shuttling on Mt Victoria and had a blast!
Queenstown is a great place to visit in New Zealand, lots of fun activities including a lot of mountain biking. I rode the Skyline Bike Park in Queenstown NZ, it is a great bike park, it has some great freeride and downhill mountain bike trails. I stayed there for a few days, this was the last time I rode in New Zealand!
Thundergoat is a fun green trail at the Skyline Queenstown Mountain Bike Park. It is a great place to visit in New Zealand, lots of fun activities including a lot of mountain biking.
I thought this trail was actually pretty fun considering it’s only a green trail, so I thought you might enjoy seeing the whole thing! Queenstown has some great freeride and downhill mountain bike trails.
I wanted to show you all some really cool blue trails at the Skyline Park in Queenstown. I ride Lazy Vertigo and Vertigo, and Single Track Sandwich.
Queenstown is such an awesome place to visit in New Zealand, lots of fun activities including a lot of mountain biking. Queenstown has some great freeride and downhill mountain bike trails.